rdbeni0 homepage

Table of Contents

Welcome into my (personal) homepage. In this place you can find my projects and activities. This page is "mobile friendly": constructed in Responsive Web Design (RWD). You will not find here advertisments, cookies or web trackers. This page has been created/generated via emacs and org mode.

1. Public activity

You can find me here:

2. My tech environment

3. code

3.1. closed source

Since few years I am focusing on python3 and shell/Perl5 scripts. Also from second half of 2018 I am writing java REST app (client). I have experience with web scraping, selenium automation (I am using: Perl5 module Selenium::Remote::Driver which is very stable and without major bugs). I am also working with data conversion: parsing JSON files, csv<>sql, SQL queries & databases, txt files, and xml. I am also focusing on counting, comparing data, HTTP/WebService requests (RESTful api, SOAP). Currently I am not learning Perl5 core anymore, but still I would like to master some part of it (Selenium and regex). In my free time I am learning java/android and sometimes classical front-end (JS, HTML, CSS).

3.2. open source

urxvt_tmux / config files
urxvt+tmux configuration

emacs.d / elisp
My personal .emacs.d config

allsi-login / perl5, python3, PHP
Easy login for allegro.pl via REST api

AndErQuiz / JS, HTML, jQuery-mobile
Angielski quiz językowy

jpg2pdf / PHP, ajax, jQuery
This simple app is converting image files (jpg, png) to a single PDF file

3.3. historical, archived

Kolko-i-Krzyzyk / C
KiK w wersji tekstowej - wielkość 3x3

mate-matrix / C/C++
Dodawanie macierzy 5x5, szukanie liczby pierwszej

Delcampe images downloader and converter / python3
Download jpg files from delcampe.net (old site)

delimgconv2 / PHP, linux
The same as above, but with PHP. This script was also used for downloading images (*.jpg) from delcampe

resp-php / PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap, JS, jQuery-mobile, HTML
W aplikacji zaprezentowano możliwości PHP oraz Bootstrapa wraz z jQuery-mobile

Created: 2023-08-20 Sun 13:50
